About Nahno Volunteers

Our mission

" Effectively influence civil society, all partners and stakeholders, through charitable work and collective social responsibility "

About Nahno Volunteers

The Nahno Volunteers Platform- the National Platform for Youth Volunteering and Participation

The Nahno Volunteers platform was launched with the support of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), under the leadership of the Ministry of Social Affairs, and implemented by ANERA and Live Love Lebanon. Nahno Volunteers platform, the first of its kind, was founded to encourage volunteering and youth engagement to enable youth to bring about positive change in their communities. Through the online platform, young people develop their skills when they support youth-led initiatives and are linked with volunteer opportunities at various entities, such as community-based organizations (CBOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), public agencies, and private companies.

The Nahno Volunteers platform is national and aims to unify efforts in the fields of volunteerism and youth engagement at all levels. By building partnerships with CBOs, NGOs, public agencies and private companies, the platform offers as many volunteering opportunities as possible with the belief that volunteering brings new skills to young people, enhances their personal and practical experience, and ensures a bright future for the communities that embrace them. The Nahno Volunteers platform works to create real volunteering opportunities in multiple sectors for young people from all over Lebanon, guiding them to participate according to their interests and to enhance the role of volunteering work in their communities. Nahno Volunteers is keen to ensure that volunteers' rights are prioritized by documenting their participation in volunteering opportunities on the platform.

The work is carried out on the Nahno Volunteers platform under the full supervision of ANERA. A management committee represented by ANERA, Live Love Lebanon and UNICEF was formed to lead and coordinate at the national level as well as establish a culture of volunteerism and youth participation. This committee will harness specialized bodies to support youth participation in volunteering and active participation within their communities.