Conditions for Accepting Volunteering Activities:

Conditions for Accepting Volunteering Activities:

  1. The volunteering activity must be within Lebanon.
  2. A volunteering activity is not specific for gender or nationality.
  3. Volunteering activities must target volunteers aged between 15 and 24 years old.
  4. The volunteering activity should contribute positively to the society, not for personal, or profit.
  5. The impact of the volunteering activity should be measurable.
  6. The organizations should have the ability to implement the volunteering activity.
  7. The organizations should announce the volunteering activities through the "Nahno Volunteers" platform according to its requirements.

       There should be a detailed explanation of the activity.

       The activity should include its location in detail.

       There should be illustrative images regarding the activity.

        The organization should mention the services provided to the volunteers (transportation/meal), if applicable.

  1. The organizations should confirm the volunteer hours for each volunteer after the completion of his/her activity.
  2. The organizations should be able to report on the volunteering activity on the "Nahno Volunteers" platform.
  3. The volunteering activity should ensure the safety of the volunteers.
  4. The volunteering activity must not involve any political, religious activities or activities contrary to the legislation of Lebanon.
  5. The volunteer information obtained through "Nahno Volunteers" platform should be used only to carry out the volunteering activity while ensuring the confidentiality of the information.