موقع الفرصة

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Your account is under review, it will be active in 48 Hr


Sorry, this opportunity is only available to people registered in the following regions


Sorry, this opportunity is only available to people with a minimum age of 20 years and a maximum age of 25 years


مشروع حصري

name arمؤسسة لمى

عذرا, هذه الفرصة متاحة فقط لمتطوعي name arمؤسسة لمى اذا كنتم أحد المتطوعين المنتسبين لهم, الرجاء الاستمرار في الخطوات التالية:

Residents of the regions
    All regions
Number of Volunteering Hours 16
Volunteers out of  2024-06-10 to  2024-06-12
Days Friday، Saturday
Hours from 08:00 to 16:00

Minimum Age

20 years

Maximum age

25 years

Transportation is not available

0 Volunteer

Oppunrtunity has been expired

Sustainable Development Goals


Volunteering Opportunity Plan
It includes an explanation of the activities and steps necessary to implement the opportunity, with an explanation of the time periods and costs for each activity and for the entire opportunity, as providing this information accurately reflects the professionalism of those in charge of the opportunity and their experience in the field of community work.


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